Volume-9 - Issue-1
S.no Paper Name Authors Country Page No Download
Comprehensive review of microstructural and mechanical properties of aluminum composites fabricated by friction stir processing
Shivani Jha, R.S.Mishra India 1-8
A review on regenerative braking and suspension system
Piyush Agrawal, Aayush Sharma, Mohd Adil, Karan Dhiman, Vikrant Kumar India 9-17
Thermodynamic performances comparison of VCR system using HFO& HCFO refrigerants in primary and nano mixed brine/glycol-based fluid flow in secondary circuit evaporator
Radhey Shyam Mishra India 18-25
Fabrication and mechanical characterization of sisal fiber, banana fiber, and bamboo strip reinforced hybrid composite
Rupesh Kumar Tripathi, Sudhanshu pandey India 26-31

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IJREI, invites papers form various Engineering & Technology and Science disciplines for vol-9, issue-1

Congratulations, IJREI has been indexed with crossref with DOI: http://doi.org/10.36037/IJREI.2021.XXXX

IJREI received new scientific Journal Impact factor '5.159' for the session of 2021-22

IJREI received new COSMOS Impact factor '2.860' for the session of 2018-19

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